Have you provided us with complete company information?

The Suffolk Chamber of Commerce – Sizewell C Supply Chain team are currently reviewing the Sizewell C Supply chain registration database to ensure we hold complete information for each of our suppliers.

As part of the review we have added a new turnover box to our ‘Direct Supplier’ template for the period 2017/2018. If your company is registered as a direct supplier please log in to   www.sizewellcsupplychain.co.uk  and complete this newly required information. (A lost/forgotten password can be requested at point of sign in)

Other required fields for indirect and direct suppliers that need to be completed are:

  • Company name
  • Address
  • Telephone
  • Description
  • Keywords
  • Number of Employees
  • Additional Details – including year established, legal status, ownership, location of HQ
  • Accreditations

It is important to have complete details for your company, as without this information we are unable to correctly display your details and it  may affect your chances of being found in a search of the site.

For assistance or if you have any questions regarding your registration  or if you are no longer interested in the Sizewell C Supply chain and wish to remove your registration please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help.