Following the successful completion of four stages of public consultation for Sizewell C, Jim Crawford, Project Development Director, has retired as planned and former Sizewell B Station Director Paul Morton now takes on responsibility for leading on local engagement for the Sizewell C project.
“I am delighted to be taking on this role at a vital time in tackling the climate crisis and maintaining the generation of electricity we need in an increasingly electrified and low-carbon economy.
Several of Britain’s power stations will shut by 2030 and we urgently need to replace them. We must make sure this new energy infrastructure emits the lowest levels of carbon possible. Renewable sources like solar and wind energy will play a major role – but Britain is facing an energy gap that we cannot fill with renewables alone.
We need to act now to secure reliable electricity to fill the gap – and nuclear is the only constant low-carbon source we have.
Following four stages of public consultation since 2012, where we have met with over 10,000 local residents and stakeholders, this year we will submit the application for development consent to build Sizewell C, a power station that would generate enough safe low-carbon electricity to power 6 million homes.
It is an important milestone. I want to make sure that EDF’s proposals for Sizewell C deliver the minimum disruption possible and the maximum benefits to Suffolk.
I had the privilege of being Station Director of Sizewell B and I worked with a team of dedicated, local experts who worked everyday to deliver safe, low-carbon electricity to over 2 million homes. I want to see the highly skilled, well-paid jobs Sizewell C will create taken up by local people. My team has already taken action on this as we report in this newsletter.
The public consultation on Sizewell C might be over but communication will not stop. It is important for us as a neighbour and local business to be accessible to you and to be ready to answer any questions you have so please don’t hesitate to contact us at Sizewell C Information Office”.
Best regards,
Paul Morton