Following the successful completion of four stages of public consultation for Sizewell C, Jim Crawford, project development director, has retired as planned and former Sizewell B station director Paul Morton now takes on responsibility for leading on local engagement for the Sizewell C project as the Regional Development Director and takes on the role of acting Chief Nuclear Officer for EDF in the area.
The project team is also joined by new Safety Director Mike Lavelle, who has in-depth experience of Sizewell B and C. Carly Vince, Chief Planning Officer, will continue to lead on the planning application for Sizewell C and will be supported by Richard Bull while she is on maternity leave.
The focus for this year is submitting the planning application for Sizewell C and continuing the reliable generation at Sizewell B to power 2.5m homes and businesses.
We will continue with our business engagement to ensure that local businesses are aware of the progress of the planning submission for Sizewell C and opportunities to work with the project. Watch this space for future business briefing events.
Source: Marjorie Barnes -Senior External Communications Manager – Sizewell